Every gardeners dream. A whole pickup load of free composted horse manure :)
What a difference! Upper left is corn planted one week ago. Bottom row is corn planted 3 weeks ago. Those mounds are covered in straw and composted chicken poo. The mounds on the left that are dark brown is the newly added horse poo. The dirt at the bottom left is what it looks like with nothing added. Still planting corn every two weeks.
Backyard garden

Front Entrance: Pansies still blooming (even in 95 degree heat), Texas Sage lower left corner, Crape Myrtle above that, yellow day lillies and grape vine on bottom right, Roses, Verbena and Butterfly Bush.

Trellis area is filling in nicely. Cool season crop still producing
Coreopsis and clover under a Red Maple in the front yard. Lots of shade now.