Thursday, November 10, 2011

More Fall Beauty...

I have about 4 chords so far... That should get us through winter

Big Red Oak in backyard. So many acorns...

Cayenne peppers are still producing, even after a few hard early frosts

The bottom field with newly planted field peas and winter wheat grass

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Burning Bushes Blazeth

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Optical Illusion

Friday, November 4, 2011

I'm a lil bit Country...

Hickory Smoking me some marianated beef and chicken

We have hens even in the house. Notice the egg basket and the hen that swallows eggs

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Whatever be thy lot on earth,
Thy mission here below,
Though Fame may wreathe her laurels fair,
Around your youthful brow,
If you would rise from earthly things,
And win a deathless name,
Let all your ways be just and right -
Let virtue be your aim.

Though cherished friends may traitor prove,
Their kindness all depart,
And leave a mournful spell around
Thy sad and bleeding heart;
Though you may oft be scorned by men,
Or those who bear the name,
Let all your ways be just and right-
Let virtue be your aim.

~Let virtue by your aim ~ by C. Jillson